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  • Why do we need line changes for hockey? This question is often either taken for granted or not even considered. For many people, the answers may seem obvious. For others, the line change is just always been a part of the game. Any way you slice it, we think it's good to think about why hockey players do the things they do. This not only helps you better understand the game, but helps you to play the game better.

    So, today we look at 3 reasons the line change exists in hockey.

    1. Gives Others a Chance to Play

    We suspect it is understood that if given the choice, most people would prefer to be playing rather than sitting on the bench and watching. Hockey is a fun game. Watching is pretty fun, but playing.....well, that is just the best. When you change lines during a game it is allowing others to take part in the fun.
    Imagine for a minute if you dressed up for every game during the season but you never actually played. You spent your whole season in practice preparing, but never had the chance to put it to use because nobody would come off the ice for a change. This would not be very fun. The Bible tells us that we should "Love our neighbor as ourselves" and if we don't like when others refuse to get off the ice so we can take part, then we should not do the same. God shared His Son with us. Be sure to remember that line changes allow us to share the game with others.

    2. You get Tired

    We're sure many (especially you younger folks) would claim that they never get tired. In this case, see point number 1 above. For all you honest ones out there, another reason to change lines during a game is because you get tired. In fact, we would contend that if you are not tired at the end of a 45 second shift, you probably are not working as hard as you could be. Hockey is a very demanding sport. Have you seen the legs on some of these NHL players? It takes a great deal of energy to keep the body active during a shift. You should be working so hard during play that you actually want to get off because you need the rest. Good teams have players that work hard and change often.

    3. Part of a Team

    In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 states:

    But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.
     19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

    What these verses are telling us is that many different Christian make up one body of believers called the Church. Each person is given different abilities within this body in order to strengthen everyone else. For example, a hand is good for picking things up, writing, saying hello, and many other things, but it is not good for walking or smelling. Each body part does something to help the whole.


    Each member of the team does something well. Some our penalty killers, some play the Power Play, and others are crazy enough to stand in front of the puck all day. When you change lines you let others members of your team do a job they are the best at doing. This makes the whole team better. So, when you are on a powerplay it is best if your more offensive players are on the ice. If you are playing shorthanded, it is best if you have players that know how to penalty kill on the ice. When you change lines, you allow your team the best chance at doing well.

    We hoped you enjoyed this post. What other reasons we didn't mention would be good to think about?