By Adam Wowchuck

    When I was 9 years old my mom informed me that she had signed me up for Christian Hockey Camp in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Looking back there is no possible way I could have understood the weight of this decision my parents made on my behalf, it changed the course of my life. As a 9-year-old hockey was my life.  My mind wasn’t concerned about the meaning of life or the existence of God, I just wanted to play hockey. This all began changing at hockey camp.

    I’m 25 years old now and in a couple weeks time I will be leading chapel at the camp that changed my life forever. God has a fascinating way of reminding us where we came from and all the pieces that were put in place along the way to get us where we are. My faith journey began at hockey camp in Winnipeg and opened the door for me to play hockey in Caronport, Saskatchewan where God was able to fully grab hold of my heart. I went to Trinity Western University in British Columbia where I studied business and developed a prison ministry which worked in the Canadian Correctional System to be a source of hope for those who have been locked away.

    And finally, as I reflect upon my time at hockey camp I smile because I know it is where I first learned to give myself to God which has shaped me in such a way that I was able to confidently step into marriage, the second biggest decision I’ll ever make in my life. I am eternally grateful for HMI and what they do year after year all around the world with their hockey camps. None of the things I have experienced in this life would have been possible were it not for the many counselors, camp staff, and leaders at HMI who made the effort to breathe life into me and help me see Jesus more fully and follow him more faithfully. These individuals wanted to see me become more than just a passionate and skilled hockey player and for that I have the utmost gratitude.