by Rob Globke


    That date is one I will remember for some time. On this date the Florida Panthers defeated the Boston Bruins 6-4. On this date, I played in my first ever NHL hockey game. While I did manage to hit the post, I didn’t manage to do much else except dump the puck in and try to chase it. My motto was….the less I have it, the less chance I have of making a mistake! Looking back on it now that I’m a little bit older, that was probably not the best way to play; but, it did get me through the game on that night. :-)

    I can remember a lot of things from that night, but I don’t think we have the time (or interest) to relive every aspect of a first NHL experience. So, I will spare you the minutiae and just highlight one fond memory from 12/28/2005. It was created a few minutes before warm up. I was sitting, bottom half on, elbow pads resting on my pads as I watched the “Daktronics” digital clock slowly tick down. As each giant red digital number morphed into the next I remember the film of sweat on my palms and the bouncy balls in my stomach. A mixture of nervous anticipation. I waited a long time for this moment. Yet, in a small way, I was dreading its arrival.

    Soon, the big red numbers told me it was time to throw my shoulder pads on and finish getting ready….and so I did. It was the next step that I still get chills from. Standing in front of my stall, I stare at the sweater with a big panthers head glaring back at me. I grabbed the hanger from the hook and slowly slipped the #51 over my head. I remember the smell of freshly washed synthetic and the “crunchyness” of something that had never been worn. But more than that, I remember thinking about the reality that I was really a part of this NHL team. I had put on the jersey. I was now identified as a player on the roster. Rob Globke. #51. Fourth Line. Right Winger. I had been a part of the organization, but never the team….until that day. As I sat there for the last few minutes before warm up began, I soaked in that reality.

    Of course if you are still reading to this point, you know I try to tie in my experiences with some kind of truth from the Bible. I don’t claim to do a good job, but I do admit to trying!!

    So, what does all this “putting on the sweater” nonsense have to do with anything?

    Well, when I think back to being a part of the 2005-06 Florida Panthers (or any other team for that matter) I am reminded of the sweater I wear every day as a part of God’s team. On a warm summer day in 1996 I put on a different type of jersey. It was on that day I became a part of the greatest team ever. Through faith in Christ, I became a player and citizen of God’s team. From that day until this one, I have been a part of this team. What’s even better is the fact that I will never be sent down, be cut, or worry about my spot on this team. Through faith in Christ, I was written down on His roster for eternity. I no longer am just a son, father, husband, hockey player, or man. I am a Christian son, Christian father, Christian husband, Christian hockey player, and Christian man. I am God’s. I play for Him in all ways and always. There is nothing better than that.

    The good news is….you can too!

    • Are you part of God’s team?
    • Are you wearing “His Jersey” well?

    Ephesians 2:19
    So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

    Philippians 3:20
    But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

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